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A cure for vitiligo is possible with XTRAC excimer laser in Huntington, NY

Laser treatment for vitiligo

Are you ready for a cure for your vitiligo? The Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center in Huntington, NY is excited to offer the XTRAC laser, which is a painless, effective treatment to eliminate the symptoms of vitiligo. What is vitiligo? Vitiligo is white spots on the skin that can vary in size. It’s caused when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, stop producing melanin. The most common body sites for vitiligo are: Face, hands, and chest Around any openings such as the eyes, nostrils, mouth, nipples, belly button, and genitals Arm pits and groin Hair (both scalp and facial) … Continue reading

Selective laser therapy with XTRAC Excimer treatment for Vitiligo in Huntington, NY

Vitiligo on the hands

Have you been told that there is no cure for Vitiligo? Technically, that’s a true statement, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be treated and controlled effectively. At the Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center, we have experience lessening the appearance of white patches with laser therapy. Using excimer lasers, we’re able to target the areas of vitiligo safely and often more effectively than alternative options such as topical creams, or traditional UVB therapy lightboxes. What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo appears as white patches of skin on various areas of the body as a result of pigment loss. It’s a chronic … Continue reading

Laser treatment may be ideal for sun-damaged skin for patients near Huntington

Treatment of skin diseases using light therapy

Changes in body chemistry show up on the skin. We cannot avoid the internal factors that cause fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, and more. We do have some control over external factors that may cause premature aging. For millions of adults, the realization that sun exposure is a primary factor in damage to the skin simply came too late. At the Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center, patients have a variety of ways to minimize the impact of the sun. In many cases, laser treatment is the ideal solution for sun-damaged skin. If you live near Huntington, a visit with … Continue reading

Visit a local dermatologist in the Smithtown area to improve sun damaged skin with laser therapy

Sun damaged skin on person leg

Many patients love to spend time in the sun. However, sunlight can damage the skin. Exposure to the sun’s rays can cause photo aging. Patients will notice fine lines and wrinkles, dry skin, and even a leathery texture. When it comes to the treatment of sun damaged skin, Dr. Roger Koreen of the Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center may suggest laser therapy. Why laser therapy? Laser therapy is a great way for patients to reverse the damage caused by excessive sun exposure. It is both safe and effective, and can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as chemical … Continue reading

Doctor offers effective treatment for sun damaged skin in Huntington

Sun damaged face

Age spots are small areas of discoloration on the skin that are typically associated with years of sun damage resulting from overexposure to harmful UV rays. These areas of darker pigmentation surface after years of changing underneath the skin’s uppermost layer. Age spots are an aesthetic concern as well as a health concern. Eventually these spots can turn into actinic keratosis which is a pre-cancerous lesion. Treating age spots and actinic keratosis is important to maintain the health and beauty of the skin. At the Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center in Huntington, NY, we treat sun damaged skin with a … Continue reading


Woman with sunscreen solar cream

Spending time basking in the sun’s warm rays may improve your mood but could also be causing a lot of damage to your skin. While there seems to be many warnings about the potential for skin damage from tanning beds, not as much focus is placed on the large impact being out in the sun has on our skin. At The Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center in Huntington, NY, we offer diagnosis and treatment of sun damaged skin for patients in the Huntington, NY area. How sun damage affects the skin The sun’s UV rays can age the skin by … Continue reading

Hair removal in Huntington NY with laser technology is a safe, comfortable alternative to electrolysis

Beautiful female legs and hands

The Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center offers laser and light-based therapies as an alternative to costly, time-intensive, and irritating creams, razors, and waxing to remove unwanted hair. Importantly, these common at-home treatments are temporary. Shaving may be a daily if not twice-daily chore. Why do I have excess hair? If unwanted hair is a life-long battle, genes are probably to blame. If excess hair is a newer phenomenon accompanied by severe acne, irregular periods, or other symptoms, a medical condition may be the cause. You may be among the many individuals who have noticed extra hair with age. Hormones cause … Continue reading

About laser hair removal treatment in Huntington

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

We are happy to provide patients in Huntington with advanced cosmetic and medical dermatology treatments. We offer state of the art laser hair removal that can be used on patients of all different skin types and colors. Stop the constant cycle of shaving, plucking, and waxing The endless cycle of traditional hair removal methods can be exhausting. Results are short-lived and they must be repeated frequently. In addition, these methods are widely known for causing irritation. In the past, one of the only methods available for professional hair removal was electrolysis, which removed one follicle at a time with an … Continue reading

Laser hair removal center in Huntington, NY

Laser hair removal on man back

Laser hair removal is an effective and gentle method for permanently reducing unwanted hair from any area of your body. The treatment can be performed using the Elite+ device by Cynosure. The innovative device by Cynosure has been specifically designed to ensure efficacy and comfort. Clinical studies reveal that Elite+ can ensure 79 percent clearing of the skin in just three sessions. Patients can expect to receive advanced treatment at Dr. Roger Koreen’s laser hair removal center in Huntington, NY, – Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center. Procedure for Laser Hair Removal Laser hair removal works when hair is in the … Continue reading

Change the past with safe laser tattoo removal in Huntington, NY

Beautiful young woman before and after laser tattoo removal treatment

In recent years, we have seen a surge in the popularity of various types of body art. Tattoos are no longer something you see on a seasoned sailor. Today, men and women of all ages are turning their skin into an artful canvas. The rise in sheer numbers of tattoos does not mean that every person who is “inked” wants to stay that way. Perhaps a job or change in taste has caused you to rethink your ink. If this is the case, you have the opportunity to change the past by choosing safe laser tattoo removal in the Huntington, … Continue reading

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