Today’s dermatologists have an extensive amount of information regarding skin cancer. Physicians such as Dr. Roger Koreen are helping patients accomplish two goals: skin cancer prevention and early detection and treatment. Due to the prevalence of skin cancer, the concerning nature, and the association with moles, many people feel somewhat confused about how to manage the health of their skin. Most of us have at least a dozen moles. How do we know which may be suspicious?

From one person to another and even from one mole to another, characteristics of these skin growths will vary. Some are more pink and fleshy while others are brown or black and flat. The uniqueness of individual moles is such that it only exacerbates the confusion men and women may experience when becoming familiar with their own skin. Dr. Koreen and his team encourage residents of Huntington and surrounding areas to schedule professional assessment. In the 11743 area, dermatologist Roger Koreen explains to patients the characteristics that may set a mole apart as abnormal.
Differentiating moles from skin cancer
The best way to get to know our skin is through consistent examination. Skin cancer assessments should be performed at home on a monthly basis. As a complement, professional care should be scheduled annually. At home, it is possible to identify changes to existing moles or the development of new ones quickly. In the dermatology office, it is possible to identify if changes or new moles contain cancerous or precancerous cells.
Although skin cancer can be frightening, it is important to know that melanoma, the most feared form of skin cancer, is not a given for every abnormal mole. The education provided by an experienced dermatologist equates to confidence in the assessment process, both at home and in the office.
When skin cancer is detected
Due to the many advances in medicine, the prognosis for most skin cancer diagnoses today is very good. This includes cases in which melanoma is detected in early stages. The key to successful treatment is timing, which is why dermatologists advise monthly home skin cancer examinations. The way in which a diagnosed skin cancer is treated will be based on factors such as location, size, and stage of progression.
Treating skin cancer in his Huntington practice, Dr. Koreen customizes care to the individual, maintaining a goal of successful removal with minimal scarring. Learn how to protect your skin in a personal consultation at The Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center. Call (631) 417-3300.