The chronic skin condition known as psoriasis, is one for which researchers are consistently seeking information. To date, science has yet to find a cure for the various forms of psoriasis; however, a variety of treatment protocols has been developed. When psoriasis is on the mild side, topical cream may produce satisfactory results. The more severely skin is affected by psoriasis, the more thought needs to go into ongoing care. In addition to helping patients identify potential triggers, Dr. Koreen offers excellent care when diagnosing and treating psoriasis in the Huntington office of the Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center.

Why does psoriasis develop?
The skin is constantly going through changes in which old, damaged cells fall off and new, healthy skin cells take their place. The complete cellular turnover of the skin typically takes about 28 days. The process for psoriasis patients may be completed in as little as four days. The accelerated process is due to autoimmune dysfunction, which means that psoriasis is not contagious or curable.
Treating psoriasis with light
Research has discovered that certain UV rays have a positive effect on psoriasis. This realization may lead to the impression that sunlight or the UV rays emitted by tanning beds pose a quick, convenient way to reduce the effects of psoriasis. There is more behind research, however, that needs to be understood before heading to your local tanning salon.
The dermatologic light treatments such as those provided by Dr. Koreen use specific wavelengths of UVB light to affect the skin without posing an undue risk of skin cancer. The application of precise UVB causes the proliferation of T-cells in the dermis to slow, bringing cellular turnover into a more normal range.
Tanning beds emit UVA light, not UVB. Not only do UVA rays increase the risk of photoaging, skin damage, and skin cancer, they have little to no positive impact on cellular growth rate. For these reasons, tanning as a form of treatment for psoriasis is not supported by the American Academy of Dermatology, the Center for Disease Control, or the National Psoriasis Foundation.
Psoriasis is a condition that is as unique as each individual. Gaining control over this chronic condition takes personalized care, which patients of Dr. Koreen receive when they visit our Huntington dermatology practice. To learn more about the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis, contact the Dermatology and Cosmetic Laser Center.