Benefits of photodynamic therapy include versatility and gentle features for patients in Huntington NY

Home » Benefits of photodynamic therapy include versatility and gentle features for patients in Huntington NY

Imagine a technology that works as well on brown spots, redness, and broken capillaries as it does on spider veins, unwanted hair, and acne that hasn’t responded well to other treatments. This technology exists today, courtesy of blue wavelength light. The treatments that use such technologies are known by many names, including “photodynamic therapy,” “blue light therapy,” and “photofacial.”

Attractive woman with perfect skin

The technology

These light-based therapies are often confused with laser treatments. Lasers deliver targeted light of one wavelength or color. Other light-based therapies, such as Intense Pulsed Light, use filtered light of many different wavelengths or colors.

Since multiple wavelengths of filtered light are used, this technology is a considered a very versatile treatment approach. It is also considered gentler than laser-based treatments. Gentle treatments generally result in fewer side effects, potential complications, and required time off work and most activities for healing.

BLU-U™ Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy Illuminator treatment is designed like standard IPL treatments, with a twist. This blue wavelength light is unique, because it treats the bacteria responsible for acne. It is particularly attractive for those patients who don’t want their children to take strong medications or antibiotics for management of their acne. Many patients may see results with BLU-U™ therapy that were not achieved with antibiotics or other types of treatments.

Getting to know: the photofacial

Traditional laser treatments were very limiting. For example, some darker-skinned or tan patients may not have been good candidates for laser therapies, because of the risk of complications including the condition they may have been trying to treat: hyperpigmentation.

The Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center of Huntington uses advanced IPL systems, which are equipped to treat brown spots, redness, spider veins, and broken blood vessels on the face, neck, hands, arms, and legs. It is also a popular treatment for permanent hair removal.

Many of our patients have described the treatment as feeling like a rubber band snapped against the treatment area. While the procedure is gentle, a topical numbing agent may be applied for enhanced comfort.

Side effects following treatment are very modest, and can be compared to the healing your skin naturally undergoes as the result of sunburn. You may experience tenderness, redness, and flaking. As with many dermatological treatments, the experienced professionals at the Dermatology & Cosmetic Laser Center recommend you avoid sun exposure in the days following treatment.

Getting to know: a powerful approach to the photofacial

This option works just like the photofacial, only the “power” comes from the application of a photosensitizing agent prior to the application of either the IPL or BLU-U™ blue light.

This solution helps the skin absorb the light better to enhance the results of IPL treatment. Blue wavelength light is distinguished from IPL, because it is uniquely designed to treat the bacteria responsible for acne.

Call (631) 417-3300 to schedule a consultation and discover the benefits of the many photodynamic therapy options in Huntington, NY.

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Roger Koreen, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Roger Koreen, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Dr. Roger Koreen has dedicated more than three decades to providing a wide range of dermatology services to over 90,000 patients. He received his medical training at Mount Sinai School of Medicine before going on to complete his residency at the world-renowned Johns Hopkins Medical Institute. As a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, as well as the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Dr. Koreen is committed to continuing education and training. In addition to his practice, Dr. Koreen is also a staff member at Huntington Hospital.

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